Thursday, November 24, 2005

The Super 15!

In the good-for-you category of foods, there exists an elite squad of real superstars — foods that go the distance in giving you vitamins, minerals and possible protection from health problems. Pick a few that you like and seek them out at salad bars or slip them into favorite recipes. They keep on giving.

1. Garlic.
One clove may contain more than 15 antioxidants, plus an antibiotic and a bronchial decongestant; may help lower blood pressure, boost immunity, reduce blood clotting, lower bad cholesterol, raise cholesterol and prevent some types of cancer.

2. Onions.
Certain compounds clear sinuses; may control high cholesterol and prevent heart attacks and some cancers, including stomach, rectal and colon.

3. Spinach.
Contains vitamin C, vitamin E, folic acid, protein, calcium and beta-carotene, which may help protect against cancer.

4. Strawberries.
Full of vitamin C, potassium and dietary fiber; also high in pectin, which reduces cholesterol levels and risk of hypertension.

5. Carrots.
Full of beta-carotene and fiber; may help prevent cancer and reduce risk of heart attack; may also lower cholesterol levels.

6. Skim milk.
Brimming with calcium, protein and riboflavin; can help prevent osteoporosis.

7. Beans.
Contain protein, folic acid and fiber; may lower cholesterol and risk of cance

8. Broccoli.
High in fiber, calcium, folic acid and vitamin C, with phytochemicals , that have anticancer properties. Hard for digestion if you have liver disease, makes the liver overwork.

9. Sweet potatoes.
Rich in vitamins C and E, beta-carotene, fiber, potassium and iron; may help prevent cancer.

10. Citrus fruits.
Boast high amounts of vitamin C; may help protect against cancer; the pectin found in white grapefruit may reduce risk of heart disease.

11. Soy.
Contains iron, calcium, magnesium and fiber; the only food to contain genistein, which may inhibit breast cancer by decreasing estrogen levels.

12. Tomatoes.
Contain lycopene, which may help fight cancer, plus fiber and vitamin C.

13. Cantaloupe.
One cup provides 125 percent of the Daily Value for vitamin C and more than 50 percent for vitamin A; melons may protect against cancers of the colon and rectum.

14. Oatmeal.
Full of fiber, which may help lower cholesterol, plus iron, copper, folic acid, vitamin E and zinc.

15. Brown rice.
One cup contains more than 20 percent of the Daily Value for magnesium and selenium, plus fiber and antioxidant power; its fiber may help prevent colon cancer and constipation.

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