Peeps, I want to tell you that I have been interviewed by a major newspaper, The Hindu, and have been published in the Downtown section of its December 18th edition. Curiously there isnt an online report and I have taken a lousy pic of the article and posted it as a proof that I aint fibbing
Another event that really took me in a wave of gratitude was that the Paramount Pearls Flat Owners and residents association felicitated me and presented me with a wonderful gift during their 1st year cultural sabha inauguration for the services I had rendered to them during the horrid monsoon season. Its nice to know that people do think of doctors in a good way instead of being consumerish (I have a problem, I come to you, you render service, I pay you money)

The memento I was presented with is a beautiful carved Tanjore plate (Thanjavur thattu) that has a peacock as the central decor. The pic is here for you to have a peek at. Click on it to enlarge. It was presented to me by stage actor, comedian Bosskey of Hari-Giri fame on Jaya TV.
Thats it with me patting my own back and I am glad that the year 2005 came to a grand finale literally. Ever since I got published in The Hindu, I've been having a lot lot of calls and I am really busy that I feel sad I cant update this site as often as I would love to, anyway, I shall make time for myself so that I can catch up with you fine folks.
Wishing all my readers and their loved ones a Happy and Fruitful 2006 and may the Good Lord bless everyone with Good Health.
That is fantastic news, Doc! Double congratulations :)
Doc ..gr8 ! Congrats! And a Happy New Year too :)
Do bloggers like me get spl concession?? :)))
Congrats Doc...
hoi doc,
LTNS - hows ye n howz work goin on??
Good work ye doing - Keep it up. Can't imagine meez goin' around n doing dressings at home :O....sans theatre - difficult to picture myself. ;)
Happy pongal vaaizhthukals maams :D
I'm late in congratulating you :(
And a Very Happy New Year!
I lost the link of your blog. Saw Doc on call link on Priya's blog clicked it - and here I am ..
Hope you are doing well n the Doc is getting lotsa calls.
Came across your blog ... Just wanted to congratulation you ..Keep up the good work :-)
(http://www.sunkiran.com )
Hi Das.
Was just passing by your site. And here comes the lovely news from you. I know it feels nice to see your name in the paper. And that too Hindu!!
Cheers. Have a great time and a very happy new year. And by the way what is Docy dear planning for this Valentine?
Dee...you are tagged :-)
come now love, cheer up!! This can be craic!!
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