Ask me how this happened. I have a call at 9 am in the morning asking me to visit a kid of 7yrs who had a high temperature. I packed my bag and took out my vehicle and on reaching the area I could see water as far as my eyes could. Nearby on a lamp post was tethered a catamaran (boat) that was used by the residents of the area to ferry themselves across. Gosh! A few days back the thoroughfare to the apartment complex was dry and neat. Come the second spell of rains and it turns into a Venice. My area gets to the headlines each time for the wrong reasons when it rains.
I parked my vehicle on a dry spot on the main road and boarded the gondola;)))) This boat isnt rowed but pushed by two people from the behind and pulled by a person from the front. Kindly note, the people who help push the boat arent paid by anyone! They do it as a service and sometimes some Good Samaritan might hand them a ten buck note to meet their coffee/tea/snacks expenditure.

Inside the apartment complex, the water came upto my knees but somehow I managed to wade through the water and get to the flat and examined the kid and wrote out a prescription. The parents were so thankful that I arrived inspite of the inconvenience. A tsunami of satisfaction overcame me!

Seriously dude, I am mighty proud of you!! thanks for the updates and pictures....
Great work, doc! :)
Not sure if I posted my comment coz of the word verification and all that. gr8 work. doc!
hey doc
good job..
gosh never seen chennai so water logged..as far i remembered.....
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