Wednesday, September 21, 2005

I remain indebted

I am one of the very few who knew her first name and will continue to be so. She had a prized keychain. Nice little contraption. Heard the boys say it sounded wonderful when opened. She left it on the table. Curiosity took the better of me. In a moment I was there and at it. I opened it. The tiny box opened with a chime and there was an amazingly cute rotating doll inside.

I was completely engrossed in it that I did not hear the whispers of the boys, “Pssst, ma’am is here”. This was in class IV and I was in Mrs. Inez Macedo’s class. She tweaked me by the ear and admonished me about my bad etiquette,” I’ll box your ears if you touch another’s things without their permission!” I still have it ringing in my ears!

I studied in the sleepy village-town of Yercaud that nestles in the lovely Shevaroy Hills in Tamilnadu, India. Hey! Any Montfortians around?! ( I am not being paid to write this!)
Great school. Unique. (Poof…everyone says this about his alma mater!) We were blessed to be under the tutelage of this great lady. She was 55 then. She taught us many subjects but above all strived to inculcate in us good manners. To respect others, to knock the door, table manners and a host of other good things (if only she taught me how to blog!)

An epitome of affection with a judicious mixture of tough enforcement, she was a cheerful lady with a very sweet voice. I am still to hear someone better. She would rather have her students fail in their exams rather than falter in their ethics. It mattered the most to her. Told my father “her” boy is going to places. Made them feel proud. I was her “sweet-bun”. She loved my pranks secretively. Initiated me into histrionics-something that I would later fall in love with. Taught me the pronunciation of “taught” (of course the British way!) How often do we see students pronouncing ‘thought’, ‘taught’, ‘daughter’ the right way. ‘Daughter’ more often than not, is pronounced as ‘dotter’. How often do we see dedicated teachers? Sincerity personified? I remain indebted to you great lady.

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