Thursday, September 22, 2005


She went to the village festival to watch the puppeteer perform daily and was so attracted to the make-believe of the puppets. She was so innocent that she could communicate with the puppets more easily than other people.

Mani was a man who lived all by himself because he could not communicate with others. He was so cynical in his attitude towards people around him that his life was joyless and without meaning. That was when he decided to become a puppeteer. The only way for him to express his thoughts and feelings was through the puppets. Each of them represented a different facet of his own personality, they argued and worked with one another on the puppet stage.

When he went to a village to perform that is where Lily saw this puppet show. Lily being the innocent type was so communicative with the puppets that after some days she began helping Mani in presenting his daily show. She would talk directly with the puppets and through them, she and Mani slowly began to relate to each other.

In this manner they could express themselves to the audience and to each other. And little by little Lily could feel that she was falling in love with Mani. But each time the show was over, Mani would once again retire to his solitary world.

At the end, Lily was so disappointed and heart-broken that she decided to leave. When she came to bid farewell to the puppets for the last time she hugged them close to her heart. Behind these puppets were the puppeteer whom she really loved.

And you, are you...
a puppet on the stage....
or like the girl in the story...
or an anonymous person among the millions of the world...

Or are you yourself?

Every one has three personalities............that which he exhibits, that which he has and that which he thinks he has.

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